Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to our FAQ page! Whether you’re envisioning a serene backyard oasis or a luxurious aquatic retreat, we’re here to provide you with the essential information you need to make informed decisions and dive into the world of premium pool installations.

How long does a new construction pool build typically take?

A new construction pool build, spanning from inception to completion, typically ranges between 4-8 weeks. This duration specifically accounts for the boots-on-ground construction phase. Our approach combines speed and precision, ensuring each detail and phase is meticulously executed.

It’s important to note that the entire process involves a few stages:

    • Permit and Design: This initial stage usually takes around a month, encompassing permitting and design approvals.

    • Financing Process: The financing process, a key step, is usually completed within a week.

While certain variables may influence the timeline, our commitment to efficiency remains unwavering. Quality is our cornerstone; we focus on crafting exceptional pools over quantity. To ensure top-tier results, we limit ourselves to a maximum of three projects concurrently. This strategy enables us to maintain an unmatched pace, delivering pools that reflect both quality and timeliness.

How long does a standard remodel, including pool resurfacing and tile replacement, usually take?

A typical pool remodel, involving pool resurfacing and tile replacement, is a well-organized process that spans approximately 5-7 days. During this time, several construction phases ensure a thorough transformation:

    1. Safe Drainage: We start by safely draining the pool, setting the groundwork for the remodel.

    2. Precise Demo: Demolition and removal of existing materials follow, preparing the pool for the renewal process.

    3. Quality Repair: If needed, repairs are made to ensure a solid foundation for the remodel.

    4. Beautiful Renewal: The highlight of the process is applying a durable plaster of your choice, creating a fresh and attractive surface that stands the test of time.

While more intricate projects might extend up to 3 weeks, our approach remains fast-paced. It’s important to note that the initial stages of the project might be slightly messy, but we guarantee a seamless and clean remodel process by project completion. Your renewed pool will shine with new life and beauty in no time!

What are some of the most cost-effective features on a swimming pool and what add-ons do you recommend?

When it comes to creating your ideal pool, simplicity often brings the best value. We prioritize components that enhance functionality and joy in the water, steering clear of costly add-ons with limited practicality. Here’s our approach:

    1. Focus on Essentials: We recommend building your pool with critical and highly functional components that suit your needs. This ensures your investment is centered on what truly matters.

    2. Water Feature Elegance: To enhance your pool’s aesthetics and enjoyment, consider simple yet elegant features like deck jets. These water features add a touch of charm without compromising maintenance or fun.

    3. Efficient Heating: If you’re looking to extend your pool season, a gas heater is a smart choice. It’s a cost-effective option for the colder months and offers the comfort of warm water without the expense of a full hot tub.

    4. Stunning Visuals: Upgrading to color plaster or incorporating a mosaic tile design can transform your pool’s appearance without straining your budget. These features deliver a beautiful look that stands out.

At Gulf Coast Pool Consulting & Construction, our focus is on crafting pools that you’ll love, enjoy, and maintain with ease. By keeping it simple yet stunning, we ensure your dream pool is not only a source of joy but also a smart investment in your home. Let’s build your perfect pool the right way.

What’s the difference between a salt and chlorine pool?

Salt and chlorine pools share a common goal—keeping your pool water clean and safe. Here’s how they differ:

    1. Salt Pool: In a salt pool, we use pool salt that undergoes a chemical reaction to produce chlorine. This means you don’t need to manually add chlorine as often. While the initial cost of setting up a salt system is higher, it eventually balances out due to reduced chlorine needs over time.

    2. Chlorine Pool: A chlorine pool follows a more direct chlorine maintenance protocol. You add chlorine products to maintain the desired chemical levels. While the initial setup cost might be lower, ongoing chlorine costs could be slightly higher than that of a salt pool.

    3. Cost Comparison: Over the lifetime of the pool, the costs of both systems are quite similar. The higher initial cost of a salt system can be offset by reduced chlorine expenses in the long run.

    4. Easy Maintenance: Both pool types are easy to maintain and safe. Regardless of your choice, some pools might need occasional doses of actual chlorine.
      Both systems offer effective water sanitation. Whether you opt for a salt or chlorine pool, you’ll enjoy the same refreshing and clean swimming experience!
What is the typical maintenance on a swimming pool like?

Maintaining your swimming pool is simpler than you might think, especially with our effective filter options and a straightforward maintenance plan. Here’s what you can expect:

    1. Filter Strategy: Our reliable filter options make maintenance hassle-free. They keep your pool water clean and clear, reducing the need for constant upkeep.

    2. Weekly Brushing: Just like your yard, your pool needs regular attention. We recommend brushing your pool weekly to prevent algae buildup and keep it sparkling.

    3. Pool Chemistry Check: Checking your pool chemistry is crucial for water quality. Aim to do this at least twice a month, making any necessary adjustments. It’s all about maintaining that perfect balance.

    4. Enjoyable Maintenance: Unlike yard work, pool maintenance is enjoyable. You might even find yourself cooling off while tending to your pool!

    5. Critical First 6 Weeks: The first six weeks after pool installation are crucial for establishing water balance and cleanliness. After this period, maintenance shifts to a more manageable long-term routine.

With our guidance and your minimal effort, your pool will remain inviting and refreshing. Dive into worry-free pool ownership with our easy maintenance plan!

What do I need to get started in the pool design process?

Starting your pool design journey is easy. We’ll need a few essentials to ensure we create a design that aligns perfectly with your vision and your property’s specifics. Here’s what we’ll need:

  1. Lot Survey or Site Plan: The most current lot survey or site plan gives us crucial insights into your property’s layout.

  2. Contact Information: Your email, full name, and phone number help us stay in touch and provide updates throughout the process.

  3. Project Details: Share your desired pool size, shape, and budget. This helps us create a design that meets your expectations.

  4. Specific Preferences: Let us know any specific features or details that are important to you for your pool and construction needs.

  5. Property Considerations: Understanding your local building setback lines and the available space for accessory structures (as per the 60/40 rule) is essential. Providing the property address helps us determine these accurately.

With these details in hand, we can jumpstart the pool design process, ensuring that your vision comes to life beautifully and seamlessly. Let’s create the perfect pool for you!

Do you offer financing? How does it work?

Absolutely, we understand that financing can play a significant role in making your dream pool a reality. We’ve partnered with respected financial institutions, with Lyon Financial as our preferred choice. However, we’re flexible and can work with your preferred lender too.

When it comes to financing, the process is seamless. Once approved, funds are released in line with our construction progress payment schedule. This means you’ll have the necessary funds ready to move onto the next phase of construction after each milestone is completed. Whether it’s a HELOC, a local bank loan, or a credit union option, we ensure your financial arrangement aligns perfectly with our construction timeline.

Feel free to ask us more about financing options tailored to your needs. Your dream pool is within reach!